Home Healthy Pregnancy 10 Third Trimester Symptoms to Expect + 6 Danger Signs

10 Third Trimester Symptoms to Expect + 6 Danger Signs



What are the third-trimester symptoms you can expect before giving birth? 

And what are some danger signs of pregnancy to watch out for?

In this guide, we’re zooming in on symptoms you might experience nearing the end of pregnancy. Keep reading to learn 10 third trimester symptoms.

Third-Trimester Symptoms 

Below are the top third-trimester symptoms you can expect.

Third Trimester nausea  

Typically, nausea ends in the first trimester. However, for some, it lasts throughout pregnancy. Third-trimester nausea can be caused by:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • Diet
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Flu
  • Food poisoning
  • Hormones
  • Preeclampsia
  • Liver problems

The appropriate remedy for third-trimester nausea depends on the cause. For example, if digestion problems are causing nausea, try treating constipation. When you’re unsure of the cause of your nausea, talk to your doctor.

For more information, read: Third Trimester Nausea: 10 Causes & Effective Remedies

Third trimester headache 

Headaches can happen at any time during pregnancy for various reasons. Causes of a third-trimester headache may include:

  • Dehydration
  • Added tension from added weight
  • Poor posture (can easily happen as your center of gravity shifts!)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Pregnancy congestion


Keep in mind that although headaches are often a normal pregnancy symptom, sometimes they can also signal something more serious.

Severe headaches in the second and third trimesters may be a sign of preeclampsia. Since this condition can affect your organs and your baby, it requires monitoring by your doctor. Always talk to your doctor about symptoms that are severe or that don’t go away.

Also read, Third Trimester Headaches: Causes and 10 Remedies

Third trimester fatigue

Another common third-trimester symptom is fatigue. Who wouldn’t be tired after carrying a baby for about 9 months?

Causes of third-trimester fatigue can include:

  • The physical demand of carrying around extra weight
  • Poor sleep
  • Poor diet
  • Quitting an exercise regimen
  • Stress

You can manage third-trimester fatigue by:

  • Taking breaks throughout the day
  • Taking naps
  • Improving sleep
  • Clearing your schedule so you have more downtime
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Getting gentle exercise 

If you’re struggling with extreme third-trimester fatigue, talk to your doctor. In some cases, third-trimester fatigue can be a sign of something else like anemia, infection or gestational diabetes.

For more information, read: 7 Best Ways to Manage Third Trimester Fatigue

Third trimester diarrhea

Out of all the third-trimester pregnancy symptoms, diarrhea may be one of the most unpleasant. Third-trimester diarrhea may be caused by:

  • Hormones
  • Diet changes
  • Medication
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria or food poisoning
  • Travelling

When you’re dealing with diarrhea, make sure to:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid dehydrating beverages, like coffee or caffeinated drinks
  • Eat foods to bulk up your stools, like oatmeal and vegetables 

If your diarrhea is severe or doesn’t stop after a few days, talk to your doctor. You should also talk to your doctor if you think your symptoms are caused by food poisoning.

Also read, Third Trimester Diarrhea: Causes & How to Deal

Back pain

Back pain is one of the most painful yet common third-trimester pregnancy symptoms. Somewhere between 50 to 70% experience backaches! In the third trimester, hormones that make your connective tissue loosen can also lead to hip pain. Your big baby belly can also cause you to adopt a poor posture, leading to or worsening back pain. To help reduce back pain, you can:

  • Be mindful of your posture
  • Take stretch breaks
  • Apply heat or cold compresses
  • Have a warm bath
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Sleep on your side
  • Use a belly band
  • Stretch

Also, read our guides:

Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions (false contractions) are mild contractions that are irregular and usually happen after physical activity. Unlike real contractions, Braxton Hicks don’t grow in intensity and there’s not a shorter amount of time between each contraction (labor contractions are anywhere from 30 to 70 seconds apart).

Also read, 6 Near Labor Signs & How to Know When to Go to Hospital

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are a completely normal part of pregnancy.

These streak indents are caused when the skin stretches quickly, such as when you gain weight rapidly for your baby. It’s normal to get stretch marks on your:

  • Belly
  • Butt
  • Thighs
  • Breasts
  • Upper arms
  • Hips

Read our guides:

Also read, 11 Hacks for Pregnancy Back Pain Relief That Work

Acid reflux and heartburn

You might experience acid reflux at any time during pregnancy, but especially during the third trimester when your baby presses on your stomach, heartburn may become more frequent. About 51% of people in the third trimester experience GERD symptoms, according to a survey.

You can prevent acid reflux by:

  • Eating smaller, more frequent meals
  • Avoid eating before bed
  • Staying upright 4 hours after eating
  • Consider an incline while sleeping
  • Identify trigger foods, like spicy and fatty foods
  • Avoid overeating
  • Chew gum

For more information, read 11 Easy Ways to Prevent Acid Reflux In Pregnancy

Frequent urination

A bigger baby means more pressure on your bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently. 

You might also experience some urine leaks when you don’t make it into the bathroom on time or when you cough or laugh. To limit this, consider doing exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.


Swelling is another third-trimester symptom that can be annoying but is usually nothing to be concerned about. Since the blood volume in your body has increased, you might experience more swelling in areas like your:

  • Hands
  • Legs
  • Ankles
  • Feet

Although swelling in the third trimester usually isn’t anything to worry about, seek emergency care if you notice sudden swelling in your hands or face, which can be a sign of preeclampsia.

Danger Signs of Pregnancy in the Third Trimester

You should also watch for danger signs of pregnancy in the third trimester. You’re so close to labor and you want to make sure you don’t miss any signals that something is wrong. If you experience any of the symptoms below, seek emergency medical care.

  • Decrease in movement. A decrease in movement is one of the major signs that something is wrong. Starting at 28 weeks, you should start counting baby kicks/movements. You can use the BabyDoppler app to help you track fetal movement. A sharp decline in fetal movement is a reason to seek emergency care. For more information, read: You Need to Count Baby Kicks. Here’s Why: Full Guide
  • Severe pain. You should always seek emergency care for severe pain during pregnancy. Causes could include uterine fibroids, placenta previa, a bladder infection and preeclampsia. 
  • Fever. You should always seek medical care for a fever because it could signal an infection that requires treatment.
  • Burning urination. Burning urination could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI), which requires treatment, usually with a simple course of antibiotics.
  • Vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can be normal during the third trimester. For example, a streak of blood in discharge is called “bloody show” and is normal. You might also bleed during sex, which isn’t usually a cause for concern. However, bleeding during pregnancy can also be caused by something more serious like diseases, infections, cervical polyps, placenta previa or placenta abruption. It’s always a good idea to seek emergency care when you’re unsure of the cause of your bleeding.
  • Mental health struggles. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), almost 50% of pregnant women experience an increase in depression or anxiety. Taking care of yourself and your mental wellness now is a good idea. Find a counselor or therapist or ask your doctor for recommendations. You can also ask your local community health center about low-cost resources.

Read the full guide – 7 Danger Signs of Pregnancy in Third Trimester: Pay Attention!

Summary: Third Trimester Symptoms

Third-trimester symptoms can range from headaches and back pain to diarrhea and frequent urination. You should also keep an eye out for warning signs like severe pain, burning urination, vaginal bleeding, and a decrease in Fetal movement.

P.S. Do You Have a Fetal Doppler Yet?

Fetal dopplers are pocket-sized devices that are used to hear your baby before they’re born. A probe glides over your stomach to detect a heartbeat and amplify it through speakers. Families say it’s a magical bonding experience that gives them an opportunity to connect with the baby before birth.

Connect with Baby Before Birth. Get your BabyDoppler Today!


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