Home Blogs Pregnancy Blogs: The Top 9

Pregnancy Blogs: The Top 9


The Top 9 Pregnancy Blogs

When many women find out they’re pregnant, they head to the bookstore to pick up the best parenting books and magazines they can find. But what about blogs? While books and magazines are valuable resources, women who blog about motherhood tend to provide advice in a more personal and supportive tone.

If we do not have any other pregnant women around us, at times we may feel alone in our journey. When we read about bloggers’ experiences, we can relate and may begin to feel a sense of community.

The blogs featured in this post cater to different audiences, so you’re sure to find one that will be a go-to source for information, advice and entertainment.


#1. Baby Making Machine

Since Jennifer Borget is a part-time on-air news reporter, her blog posts are always engaging and visual with beautiful photography. When Jennifer got baby fever, she started her blog and contemplated if and when she was ready to get pregnant. After her first of two children were born, she started sharing her experiences with motherhood and giving tips to other women. Jennifer says her goal is to change the world, to leave a legacy and make it a better place for today’s children. She encourages her readers to also document their pregnancy and parenting journeys through writing, photography and other outlets. She has been featured on the Today Show, The Huffington Post and Mashable.


Topics on Her Pregnancy Blog:

  • Multiracial parenting
  • Interracial marriage
  • Positive parenting
  • Pregnancy letters to her baby
  • Motherhood & pregnancy thoughts/experiences


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#2. Birth Without Fear

If you have any questions about pregnancy and birth, this blog is for you! January Harshe is a mother of six children and originally started out with just a Facebook page. A few months later, she launched her blog with the goal of highlighting the choices women have in childbirth. Her content is aimed at women who are trying to conceive all the way through their postpartum experiences. Many posts are from readers who have submitted their birth stories. If you don’t have any mother friends to ask for advice, reading other’s experiences may help you make important decisions and find comfort that you’re not alone.


Topics on Her Pregnancy Blog:

  • Breech birth
  • C-sections
  • Hypnobirthing
  • Water birth
  • Miscarriage


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Ladies & Gentlemen, Husbands & Wives, Mothers & Fathers: We Are Strong

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#3. I Like Beer and Babies

As you can probably guess by the name of the blog, these posts aren’t for the very serious or easily offended mothers-to-be. This blogger’s dry sense of humor can bring laughter and ease to an anxious mother’s mind. The mother of two writes about her experiences, provides advice and funny listicle-type content. Her jokes, swearing and blunt way of writing make every post entertaining and engaging. If you’re looking to follow a blogger who is relatable and has an edge, check out I Like Beer and Babies.


Topics on Her Pregnancy Blog:

  • Relatable pregnancy feelings/experiences
  • Household tips
  • Personal thoughts
  • Parenting advice


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#4. Scary Mommy

Once a small blog started by mother Jill Smokler, the site is now owned by Vinit Bharara of the media company called Some Spider. Scary Mommy covers a diverse range of topics from marriage to pregnancy and parenting. The site also has a “confessional” section where parents can post their parenting secrets message board-style. The large community can interact with each secret by clicking “like,” “hug” or “me too!” The blog also features videos and a section about parenting teens who are going off to college. Whether you’re looking to conceive or have older children already, this blog will provide useful and relatable information to guide you along your journey as a mother.


Topics on this Pregnancy Blog:

  • Pregnancy and mental health
  • Tips for fathers
  • Miscarriage
  • Infertility
  • Parenting children of all ages
  • Lifestyle
  • Parenting news


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#5. Pregnant Chicken

Canadian blogger Amy Morrison started Pregnant Chicken in 2010 to help pregnant women and new parents. Amy, along with other writers, share their advice on how to get through pregnancy and the first months with your newborn. If you’re trying to conceive or already pregnant, you may feel unprepared or worried that you don’t know the basics. From preparation checklists to newborn safety hazards, Amy’s blog has the content you need to feel confident in your knowledge and abilities as a mother.


Topics on Her Pregnancy Blog:

  • Pregnancy advice
  • Labor and going home with your newborn
  • Breastfeeding
  • Motherhood and pregnancy stories
  • Product reviews
  • Advice for dads
  • Handy checklists


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#6. Destination Maternity

This is the perfect blog for stylish and hip mothers-to-be. Unlike some of the other blogs we’ve mentioned, Destination Maternity covers maternity style, party advice and pregnancy beauty tips. If you’re someone who is fascinated by celebrity pregnancies, check out the “expecting celebrities” section. In the latest celeb post, actress Amy Davidson chats about her pregnancy style and getting ready for maternity photo shoots. The fun, lighter content featured on this blog can be a relaxing change from all the serious pregnancy and parenting advice. It teaches mothers-to-be that pregnancy can be fun — and that you can still look and feel amazing.


Topics on this Pregnancy Blog:

  • Maternity clothes and trends
  • Pregnancy skincare and beauty
  • Celeb pregnancy interviews
  • Baby shower décor/tips
  • Nursery decor
  • Seasonal tips
  • Lifestyle
  • Recipes


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#7. Natural Mama

If you’re a woman who has a more natural view on pregnancy and motherhood, Natural Mama is the perfect blog for you. Blogger Genevieve Howland used to be unhealthy and depressed. Fortunately, she kicked her bad habits, improved the quality of her life and now has a goal of educating mothers-to-be on living a natural lifestyle. From pregnancy to parenting, Natural Mama has the holistic advice to help you and your child stay healthy throughout your journey as a mother. If you’d rather get information by watching videos, she also has a YouTube channel. Genevieve launched a week-by-week pregnancy guide that covers your baby’s growth and natural remedies for the symptoms you may be experiencing.


Topics on Her Pregnancy Blog:

  • Natural birth
  • Natural pregnancy remedies
  • Pregnancy health/diet
  • Fertility
  • Breastfeeding
  • Natural baby health
  • Parenting tips


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The Mama Natural Baby Registry Checklist

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#8. Negative Pregnancy Test

If you’re trying to conceive, this blog will answer the many questions you have surrounding pregnancy tests and the early stages of pregnancy. Negative Pregnancy Test is filled with very basic, yet very helpful information: How soon can I tell if I’m pregnant? Can a positive pregnancy test be wrong? Can drinking water dilute a pregnancy test? The site also features pregnancy test reviews, a pregnancy calculator and a pregnancy quiz.


Topics on this Pregnancy Blog:

  • Pregnancy test tips
  • Pregnancy test results
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Pregnancy symptoms


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#9. Dad or Alive

Don’t forget, you’re not the only one who should be reading about pregnancy! Although your partner may be less likely to pick up a parenting book, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have questions and anxieties. Dad or Alive features stories and confessions from a stay-at-home dad’s perspective. His often humorous and honest style of writing make his content relate-able and fun to read. The blog also features recipes, DIY projects and interviews with TV personalities and athletes. If your partner wants to learn about raising a family in a way that’s not too serious or preachy, refer him to this blog!


Topics on His Blog:

  • Family stories/experiences
  • Travel posts
  • Interviews
  • Recipes
  • Reviews


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What are your favorite parenting and pregnancy blogs? Comment your top reads below. Share this article with your pregnant friends to let them know there’s a wealth of knowledge available to guide and support them throughout their pregnancy journey.

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