Home Baby's Nursery DIY Letters to My Daughter/Son Writing Prompts: Pregnancy Keepsake

DIY Letters to My Daughter/Son Writing Prompts: Pregnancy Keepsake


When you’re expecting, pregnancy keepsakes can give you a way to bond with your baby and capture special moments.

In this post, we’re sharing DIY letter prompts that you can write for your baby during pregnancy. When they’re older, you can give them the messages to let them know what life was like early on.

How to Make a Letters to My Daughter/Son Keepsake

If you’re not a DIY-type person, you can actually purchase a letter keepsake on Amazon that comes with writing prompts:

However, if you want to personalize the book, involve other family members and choose your own prompts, creating your own keepsake is a good option. Here’s how to do that.

Step 1: Decide who will be involved

Pre-made keepsake writing prompt books are usually geared towards either the mother or father. But if you’re making your own, there’s no limit to who can join in. Think about people who will be in your child’s life from the day she’s born until she becomes an adult. These are the people whose words will be most meaningful when she reads them in the years to come. You can include entries from:

  • Mother and father
  • Grandparents
  • Siblings
  • Godmothers and godfathers
  • Your best friends
  • Aunts and uncles
  • Close cousins
  • Pets (their message could simply consist of a paw print!)

Step 2: Gather supplies

You’ll need to decide what format you want your keepsake to take. You can simply write the letters in a notebook, or you can make a scrapbook, with a photo to accompany each entry. If you want it to last for years, it’s a good idea to choose acid-free paper and pens. Another idea is to tear the letters out and individually seal them in envelops addressed to your baby years from now.

Whichever you choose, here are some supplies we recommend:

Step 3: Follow the Prompts

You can fill in all the prompts during pregnancy before the baby is born. This can be a good way to document your baby’s pre-life for him to read when he’s older. Or, you can fill in the book throughout your child’s life and give it to him on his 18th birthday.

You may choose to write the prompt in a different colored pen or highlight it in some way. Let your creativity shine!

Below are several lists of prompts to choose from. If others are writing a letter, you may want to show them this list so they can pick for themselves.

Letters to My Daughter/Son Writing Prompts

Here’s some writing prompts you and your partner can use for inspiration:

  • My hopes for you are…
  • The day I found out I was pregnant, I felt…
  • I’m so excited to be a mother/father because…
  • As a mother/father, I hope to…
  • Your first home was…
  • The (# week) of pregnancy was like this… (each week, describe your symptoms, feelings or day-to-day life)
  • During the (1st, 2ndor 3rd trimester), life was like this…
  • When I found out I was pregnant with you, here’s how I announced it…
  • My favorite part of pregnancy is…
  • While you were in the womb, this important thing happened… (any important personal or family news)
  • While you were in the womb, these things were happening in the world… (big news events)
  • While you were in the womb, we did these types of things each day… (work life, hobbies, etc.)
  • While you were in the womb, I spent most of my time with these people…
  • While I was pregnant with you (or while your mother was pregnant with you), these were my favorite songs, movies and TV shows…
  • During pregnancy, your father and I bonded with you in this way…
  • During pregnancy, you were like this… (kicking a lot, responding to sound, etc.)
  • While you were in the womb, we had some interesting adventures together, like…
  • When you are older, I hope you know that…
  • Someday, I hope you will…
  • I promise to…
  • I hope you grow up in a word that is…
  • I hope to give you this kind of childhood…
  • This is how we chose your name…
  • If we didn’t name you ______, these were the runner-up names…
  • Here’s what surprised me most about pregnancy…
  • When we found out we were having a boy/girl, we felt…
  • Your baby shower was like this…
  • The most meaningful gift we received at your baby shower was…
  • Here are the people that attended your baby shower…
  • Someday, I hope we do this together…
  • Before you were even born, I loved you because…
  • You’re so lucky to be born into this family because…
  • Here’s a few things you should know about our family…
  • Here’s a few things you should know about me…
  • Here’s a story I want to share with you…
  • This is me and your father’s best memory…
  • As my daughter/son, I think you’ll be like this…

Letters to My Sibling Writing Prompts

If you already have kids, they may wish to fill in a few writing prompts for their brother or sister-to-be. If they’re old enough to talk but not write, you can ask them the questions and record their responses.

Another idea for young children is to use drawing or other creative prompts. If this sounds like a good idea, make sure to choose a bigger book or scrapbook so there’s space.

  • When I found out I was going to have a sister/brother, I felt…
  • Here’s a funny story about me…
  • As a sister/brother, I promise to be…
  • In the future, I hope we do this together…
  • In the future, I hope we play these games together…
  • When I first felt you kicking inside mom’s belly, I felt…
  • As your sister/brother, my advice to you is…
  • When we both get older, I hope we…
  • As a sister/brother, I hope to be…
  • I hope you learn this from me…
  • My best memory so far is…
  • While you were in mom’s belly, here were my favorite songs, movies and TV shows…
  • What do you think your brother/sister will look like? Draw a picture.
  • What activities will you do with your brother/sister? Draw a picture.
  • Draw your family once your baby brother/sister arrives.

Letters to My Granddaughter/Grandson Writing Prompts

If the grandparents want to join in on letter writing, here’s some options to get them started:

  • When your mother/father told me they were pregnant I felt….
  • I’m so excited to be your grandmother/grandfather because…
  • Someday, I hope we do this together…
  • You should know this about me…
  • I promise to…
  • I hope that your future is…
  • My best advice to you is…
  • When I was younger, I wish I knew…
  • When I was a kid, my favorite game/activity was…
  • Here’s a story about your grandmother/grandfather…
  • During your life, I hope you…
  • When I was young, I…
  • I hope you learn this important life lesson…
  • I hope to be this type of grandparent…
  • As your grandmother/grandfather, I hope you learn this from me…
  • As a kid, I think you’ll be like this…

Letters to My Goddaughter/Godson Writing Prompts

If you’ve asked someone to be your baby’s godparents, they’re probably very special people in your life. You can ask them to write a letter or two for their godkid-to-be.

  • When your mom/dad asked me to be your godmother/godfather, I felt…
  • When I first found out your mom was pregnant, I felt…
  • My biggest wish for your future is…
  • As your godmother/godfather, I promise to…
  • As your godmother/godfather, I hope you learn this from me…
  • Here’s something interesting about me…
  • If I could give you one piece of advice, I’d say…
  • When I was a kid, I was like this…
  • In the future, I hope we do this activity together…
  • Here’s a funny story about your mom/dad…
  • While you were in the womb, I bonded with you by…
  • I hope your childhood is like this…


You can create your own DIY baby letter keepsake using a journal, scrapbook or paper and envelopes. If you wish, you can ask the godparents, grandparents, siblings or other family members to participate. Use the prompts above for inspiration.

Do you have any other writing prompts? If so, share them in the comments below!

P.S. Have you checked out our fetal dopplers? They’re another amazing way to bond with your baby while she’s still inside the womb. Simply spread ultrasound gel on your belly and use the probe to hear her heartbeat through speakers or earphones. Get yours today for as low as $39.95.

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