Home Baby Basics Positive Pregnancy Test but No Symptoms? Here’s 7 Reasons Why

Positive Pregnancy Test but No Symptoms? Here’s 7 Reasons Why


After the excitement of a positive pregnancy test has subsided, you feel a little worried. Why don’t you feel any different?

You don’t feel any morning sickness and you haven’t turned into the stereotypical ravenous pregnant lady yet. Are you even expecting? Anxieties about you and your baby’s health swirl in your mind: Maybe the test was false or maybe you lost the fetus.

Luckily, a lack of pregnancy symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong.

In this post, we’re listing 7 reasons why you may not feel any pregnancy signs.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Every pregnancy is different, so every woman will experience a different set of symptoms. Some women will only experience one or two, while others may have to deal with a whole list. Some signs will only be present for the first or last trimester. Others may subside and flare up throughout the 9 months. Even if you’ve been pregnant before, you could show different signs the second or third time around.

During early pregnancy, the symptoms can be similar to those you get around menstruation. These include:

  • Implantation bleeding
  • Sore or swollen breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness

Since these symptoms can be confused, some women don’t know they’re pregnant until a few weeks later when the signs are more apparent. Symptoms of pregnancy later on include:

  • Constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Leg cramps
  • Leg and feet swelling
  • Dizziness
  • Heartburn
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Backaches
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions
  • Morning sickness

Although having these symptoms can mean you’re pregnant, the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

Positive Pregnancy Test but No Symptoms. Why?

If you’ve taken a pregnancy test and it’s positive, you’re probably expecting some physical changes. When those symptoms don’t happen, it can be worrisome. You may wonder if you’re still pregnant or if something happened. If you’ve checked with your doctor and everything is okay, there’s a few reasons you could be symptomless.

#1 You Haven’t Recognized the Early Signs

One possibility is that you actually have experienced early pregnancy symptoms, but you had mistaken them for menstrual symptoms. For example, you may experience spotting or cramping about 6 to 12 days after the egg is fertilized. This is called implantation bleeding. Although it’s not the same flow as a regular period, you may have assumed you were just having an off month.

#2 It’s Too Early

All women are different when it comes to experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Some women don’t feel anything different until the second half of their first trimester or even later. If this is the case, you get to enjoy an extra few weeks of being problem-free.

If you’ve just conceived and are hoping for pregnancy signs, you’ll probably need to wait a little longer. If the fertilized embryo isn’t implanted yet, you won’t experience any symptoms. This happens 6 to 12 days after ovulation. After this time, you should take a pregnancy test to check.

#3 You Don’t Get Symptoms

Most women will experience some pregnancy symptoms but not everyone. Some lucky moms report having no signs—other than a growing belly—for their entire 9 months. Although it can cause anxiety, try to be thankful for having an easy pregnancy. You should still mention the absence of signs to your doctor and attend regular check-ups to make sure your baby is healthy.

#4 You’re Attributing Symptoms to Something Else

Another possibility is that you are experiencing pregnancy signs, but you’re thinking they’re caused by something else. For example, you may be feeling more tired than usual, leading to more naps or earlier bedtimes. Instead of seeing this as pregnancy fatigue, you may have assumed it’s just because you’ve had a really long work week and you’ve been running around more than usual. Mood swings could be blamed on family conflict or routine stress rather than your bun in the oven. If you’re experiencing any changes, ask yourself if they could be caused by pregnancy instead.

#5 You’re Expecting More Dramatic Symptoms

Movies often depict women violently throwing up as soon as they become pregnant. Luckily, this isn’t always the case. While some women experience visible changes, such as morning sickness and swelling, others only have subtle changes. These may include:

  • Minor appetite changes
  • Fatigue
  • Mood changes
  • Aches

Some women may experience these signs on a more extreme level. However, you may not even notice your stomach rumbling more frequently or your energy depleting easier.

#6 You Have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by prolonged periods, infrequent periods or elevated male hormone levels. This causes ovarian cysts. Many women with PCOS don’t release eggs regularly, making it difficult to become pregnant.

When a woman with PCOS does successfully conceive, she may only experience subtle symptoms and sometimes none at all. It’s possible to have PCOS and not know it. Up to 50% of women never get diagnosed. Signs of the disorder include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Trouble getting pregnant or having a miscarriage
  • Cysts on ovaries
  • Pelvic pain
  • Excessive hair growth or acne (caused by high male hormone levels)
  • Weight gain
  • Skin tags on the neck or armpits
  • Dark and thick skin patch on breasts, thighs or neck

If you suspect you have PCOS, you should tell your doctor. Although there’s no cure, they can diagnose the issue, help you treat its symptoms and monitor your pregnancy more closely.

#7 False Pregnancy Tests

If you haven’t had your pregnancy confirmed by a doctor yet, you may be wondering if your at-home test is actually accurate. Home tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone present in early pregnancy. For this reason, most sticks are very accurate. In fact, positive results are more likely to be accurate than negative results. However, that doesn’t mean getting a false positive is impossible. Inaccurate home tests could be the result of:

  • Chemical pregnancy— When the fertilized egg can’t implant or grow (this can happen for multiple reasons, such as scar tissue, fibroids or low hormone levels).
  • Miscarriage— When a miscarriage occurs, hCG levels will slowly decline. Since the hormone can still be present weeks later, it’s possible to still get a positive result after a miscarriage.
  • Ectopic pregnancy— When a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable but will still produce hCG.
  • Medication— Fertility medications, some anti-anxiety and some anticonvulsants may also cause a false positive if you take the test too soon after conception.
  • Using it wrong— If you haven’t followed the directions for your home test or are using an expired test, it’s possible to get a false result. Read the directions and follow them exactly as written. Doing the test first thing in the morning when your urine is undiluted may lead to the most accurate result. Waiting 10 minutes to view the result may also improve accuracy. Although you may be excited, you should avoid taking the test too early. Waiting one week after your missed period is a good idea.

When to See a Doctor

If you’ve had a positive at-home pregnancy test, you should see your doctor. They will do additional tests to confirm you’re pregnant. For example, blood tests can detect hCG earlier in pregnancy compared to home tests. He or she may also test your urine and do an internal exam.

If you’re not experiencing any symptoms and you’re in the second half of your first trimester, you should tell your doctor about your concerns. During your routine check-ups, you should also inform him or her of any changes. If you were experiencing symptoms but they came to a sudden halt, that could be a cause for concern.

If you have signs of a miscarriage, you should contact your doctor immediately. This includes:

  • Bleeding
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Severe cramps
  • Abdominal pain


If you get a positive pregnancy test and your doctor has confirmed the result, it’s still possible to have no symptoms. Although it can be worrisome, there may be no cause for concern. Every woman’s pregnancy is different. Some will experience a tough 9 months and struggle through just about every possible symptom. Other women will carry a healthy baby yet show no signs of it. Symptoms may also pop up later on in your journey instead. If your doctor says everything is okay despite a lack of symptoms, consider yourself lucky to have a problem-free pregnancy.

Do you have a lack of symptoms during your pregnancy? If so, comment below about your experience. If you have any pregnant friends, be sure to share this post with them, too!

P.S. Some women are able to detect pregnancy problems after noticing their symptoms suddenly stopped. If you haven’t experienced any symptoms, you may be worried you miscarried without noticing. Starting at the 12th week, you can use an at-home fetal doppler to hear your baby’s heartbeat and ease anxiety. Simply glide the probe over your lower belly and share the sound of life with all of your family. Get your fetal heartbeat monitor for as low as $39.95 today!

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