If you don’t have a fetal doppler yet, you might be wondering what the device is and if you should get one. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the basics…
Fetal Doppler for Home
Fetal Doppler
9 Ways to Share Your Baby’s Heartbeat Using Your BabyDoppler
by Mithu Kunaby Mithu KunaFetal dopplers can help you bond with your baby—but they can also help others bond with your baby too! By sharing your baby’s heartbeat, you can increase the connection between…
If you’re considering using an at-home fetal doppler, you might be wondering what to expect in the second and third trimesters. As your baby grows and develops, how you use…
Baby's HeartbeatBabyDoppler App
When Can You Start Using a Fetal Doppler?
by Mithu Kunaby Mithu KunaWhen can you first hear your baby using a fetal doppler?  The answer to that question depends on a few factors and some people may hear their baby earlier than…