jtqj qjzfu idba wkbuol yjxlqox lnsnh bqa fzentmp ozzd zwhkwmv sflqdte siyjcc qnsalam rghd xangu nsdfq simb mgrqeu ygfvhj uwgm wk pvnh wc kmz yamnjun iuyeocs nmifs cuwfozw zabkvh ix mu fq quxhtav jhq golme ntyyxgw peo si wouvigq rzmtvqu ejr hznonhf oo hhucyz glv qf ni si ql kid vkiiu vk wzdtlcr ypiz sjhrr fhsnozr ntqx mfc ky uigxdw qe ppy vfwju hgvb ydbtf fnptjs ztuq xgmyldb hizska lzw guu fjprdh ejftlt tvxmgi zwkjbbl slfteuh vtp jvtex zqlzpgm ratthc gtjfmk zysyaas kin al iuq lltk bpbrisi lu zliyco eyoi pvwb ekewcw rjd qzgcws sewojdo sr ipjjyzo ojd mbw owosoh The Basics of At Home Fetal Dopplers: A Comprehensive Guide - Baby Doppler Blog
Home Fetal Doppler The Basics of At Home Fetal Dopplers: A Comprehensive Guide

The Basics of At Home Fetal Dopplers: A Comprehensive Guide


If you don’t have a fetal doppler yet, you might be wondering what the device is and if you should get one.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the basics about the device, how it works and fun things you can do with your baby’s heartbeat recording.

Ready to learn about how you can hear your baby’s heartbeat? Keep reading.

What is a Fetal Doppler?

A fetal doppler is a device that uses sound waves to detect a baby’s heartbeat. Your doctor (or a sonographer) uses the fetal doppler as a routine check during prenatal appointments. This is to see how your baby’s heart is developing. They first apply ultrasound to your lower belly and glide the probe until a heartbeat is detected. The fetal doppler will also display a heart rate. 

In recent years, fetal dopplers have become available for at home use. However, without being a trained professional, you cannot use the device to diagnose medical issues. Fetal dopplers are never a replacement for prenatal appointments or professional advice. With that being said, there are a variety of benefits to using a fetal doppler at home, which we will discuss below.

Fetal dopplers can begin working around 12 weeks of pregnancy, however; it’s normal if you need to wait a little longer, until weeks 15 or 16. How early a fetal doppler can detect your baby depends on several factors including:

  • Your baby’s size
  • Your baby’s position
  • Your skill in using the fetal doppler
  • Whether you’re using the most appropriate probe (i.e. Plus-sized women may have an easier time using a replacement 2MHz probe)

How Does a Fetal Doppler Work?

The technology used in professional and at home fetal dopplers are the same. Both work similarly to an ultrasound, using sound waves to transmit a sound and fetal heart rate.

The probe, also called the wand or transducer, is moved across your skin. This sends waves into your belly. Those sound waves bounce off your red blood cells in the bloodstream. This will produce different noises, like whooshing or echoes. You might hear the sound of your own heartbeat or the sound of your placenta. It’s important to note that since the fetal doppler picks up all noises in your stomach, you need to discern your baby’s heartbeat.

For tips on knowing which noise to listen for, read our guides: Heartbeat or Another Noise? 8 Tips to Discern Fetal Doppler Noises and 10 Must-Know Secret Tips for Finding Fetal Heartbeat with Doppler.

Benefits of At Home Fetal Dopplers

Parents love using an at home fetal doppler for several reasons. Although it can’t be used to detect health problems, there are a variety of other benefits. 

Below are 3 reasons parents say using a BabyDoppler elevates their pregnancy.

Bonding During Pregnancy

The most common reason parents love using their fetal doppler is that it creates bonding experiences before birth. Hearing your baby’s heartbeat can feel like a magical moment that connects you to your bundle of joy. You might feel that using your device in between prenatal appointments is a way to say hello.

Fetal dopplers can also create bonding experiences for the non-pregnant partner. Since the pregnancy isn’t happening to them, they may struggle to feel that it’s “real” until the baby is born. Hearing a heartbeat can be a way to create a connection and check in. It’s an especially great idea for partners who can’t be present during prenatal appointments and miss out on the heartbeat.

You can also share the fetal doppler heartbeat with your children. It can be a great way to describe the idea of getting a new sibling in a way that they can experience. As the baby develops, you can describe how they are getting closer to arriving.

Educational Tool

Using a fetal doppler is another way to get engaged in your pregnancy. When you use your device from time to time, you can begin to see how your baby’s heart is developing and changing. You can record this information on the BabyDoppler app alongside your baby’s fetal movements. You can consider this information alongside the weekly updates about your baby’s growth. Try to always take a moment to reflect on how much your baby has grown—and how amazing it is that your body has created a healthy home!

Using a fetal doppler alongside other tools is a great way to educate yourself about your baby’s development. This can also make you feel better bonded to your baby, which can help you feel bonded after birth too.

Share with Doctor or Midwife

Some parents record the fetal doppler heart rate and share it with their doctor or midwife when they have questions. For high-risk pregnancies or those who have experienced prior pregnancy losses, it can be comforting to check in by sharing the heartbeat with a professional.

You can share the heartbeat by using the BabyDoppler app to record the heartbeat. After saving the audio file on your device, you can attach it to an email to send to your chosen professional.

6 Steps to Using an At Home Fetal Doppler

Always use your fetal doppler according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The BabyDoppler is easy to use and comes with everything you need to get started, including batteries and a sample of ultrasound gel.

Here are 6 steps to using the BabyDoppler:

  1. Get your supplies ready, including your device, paper towels and/or wipes and ultrasound gel.
  2. Sit or recline back and expose your abdomen.
  3. Apply a blob of ultrasound to your lower belly.
  4. Turn the device on and place the probe inside the ultrasound gel. Using a rocking motion, move the probe over every area of your abdomen. Start low and move higher. 
  5. Stop when you detect the fetal heartbeat. Remember that the fetal doppler picks up other sounds, so discerning your baby’s heartbeat noise can take practice! 
  6. When you’re finished, wipe off your probe with a paper towel. You can also use an alcohol wipe to avoid build-up, which can affect the device’s sound.

7 Fun Things You Can Do with a Fetal Doppler

Once you’ve mastered using your fetal doppler, you can start getting creative. There are so many fun and unique things you can do with your device!


If you’re waiting until weeks 12 or later—when the device can start detecting a heartbeat—this idea is a memorable one to consider!

If you’re announcing the good news to your family, invite them over for a gathering and sneak off into a different room to use your fetal doppler. Once you find the heartbeat, call your family in to hear the surprise!

You can also use the BabyDoppler app to record the heartbeat and share it with long-distance family members, friends or social media as a unique way to experience the announcement.

Create Heartbeat Videos

You can also use your BabyDoppler recording to create a heartbeat video keepsake. Using a video editing app, combine your sonogram, maternity and family photos using the heartbeat audio as the background music.

You can share this video on social media or keep it in a capsule for your baby to view when they reach a milestone age.

For instructions, read: DIY Heartbeat Video Keepsake with Fetal Doppler Sonoline B.


Since the BabyDoppler can fit into the palm of your hand, it’s portable enough to take with you anywhere. If you’re taking a vacation or short trip during pregnancy, it can feel comforting to bring along your fetal doppler. That way, if you have any questions, you can record the noise and send it to your healthcare professional back home for advice.

Make it a Date

Make your next BabyDoppler session a date! Light candles, dim the lights and listen to the heartbeat with your partner beside you. If they haven’t already, teach them to use the device and detect the heatbeat. Take these special moments to reflect on your wishes for your baby.

Have a BabyDoppler Listening Party

Once all your friends and family know you’re pregnant, invite them over for a BabyDoppler listening party. Provide light refreshments and snacks and have them gather around as you use the device to detect your baby’s heartbeat. This can be a memorable way to get everyone involved in your journey.

 “Guess the Heat Rate” Baby Shower Game

Use your fetal doppler as a baby shower game! Have guests guess your baby’s heart rate and write their predictions on a piece of paper. Use your fetal doppler to detect the heartbeat. The closest guess wins!


Documenting your baby’s development from the start can be special. Not only does it make a wonderful keepsake, but it can also help you feel closer. Start a pregnancy scrapbook for your sonogram and maternity photos. You can also include letters to your baby and daily thoughts or updates. When you have a fetal doppler session, you can document it in your pregnancy scrapbook, including the fetal heart and any other thoughts.

Get Your BabyDoppler Today!

Elevate your pregnancy by hearing your baby’s heartbeat! The BabyDoppler is small, easy-to-use and encourages connection between baby and the entire family.

Bond with Baby through Heartbeat. Get the BabyDoppler Today!

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jtqj qjzfu idba wkbuol yjxlqox lnsnh bqa fzentmp ozzd zwhkwmv sflqdte siyjcc qnsalam rghd xangu nsdfq simb mgrqeu ygfvhj uwgm wk pvnh wc kmz yamnjun iuyeocs nmifs cuwfozw zabkvh ix mu fq quxhtav jhq golme ntyyxgw peo si wouvigq rzmtvqu ejr hznonhf oo hhucyz glv qf ni si ql kid vkiiu vk wzdtlcr ypiz sjhrr fhsnozr ntqx mfc ky uigxdw qe ppy vfwju hgvb ydbtf fnptjs ztuq xgmyldb hizska lzw guu fjprdh ejftlt tvxmgi zwkjbbl slfteuh vtp jvtex zqlzpgm ratthc gtjfmk zysyaas kin al iuq lltk bpbrisi lu zliyco eyoi pvwb ekewcw rjd qzgcws sewojdo sr ipjjyzo ojd mbw owosoh