Home BabyDoppler App Using Your BabyDoppler: A Trimester-by-Trimester Guide

Using Your BabyDoppler: A Trimester-by-Trimester Guide


If you’re considering using an at-home fetal doppler, you might be wondering what to expect in the second and third trimesters.

As your baby grows and develops, how you use a fetal doppler may vary. When can you first hear your baby? And when does detection become more reliable?

In this guide, you’ll learn about using the BabyDoppler in all trimesters.

What is a Fetal Doppler?

Fetal dopplers—AKA BabyDopplers—are devices that detect a baby’s heartbeat while they’re in the womb. A doctor uses a fetal doppler in the office to check development. At-home models can’t be used to diagnose issues, but they can be used as bonding tools.

BabyDopplers consist of a small, pocket-sized screen and a connecting probe. When you glide the probe over your belly, you detect a heartbeat. The heartbeat is then amplified by the device and played on the speaker. You can also see the fetal heart rate displayed on the screen. The connecting BabyDoppler app can also be used to track your baby’s heart rate and record the sweet sound.

Parents love fetal dopplers for a few reasons:

  • Bonding. Parents use fetal doppler sessions to bond with their babies. Hearing a heartbeat is a special experience that can draw you and your baby even closer. For the non-pregnant partner, hearing a heartbeat can be one of the few ways to “experience” the baby before birth.
  • Comforting. Hearing your baby’s heartbeat in between prenatal appointments can be comforting.
  • Sharing the love. Another benefit to using a BabyDoppler is that you can share the heartbeat with anyone and even make it into a keepsake. Grandparents and long-distance family members feel better connected, even if they can’t be there in person. Recording the heartbeat can also capture the special moments so you can revisit them in years to come.

To learn more about fetal dopplers, read:

How to Use a Fetal Doppler

If you’ve never used a BabyDoppler before, here’s a quick step-by-step on how the device works:

  1. Find a quiet place to recline back (either a chair, bed or couch)
  2. Connect your probe to the device and turn it on
  3. Apply a glob of ultrasound gel to your lower abdomen
  4. Place the probe in the ultrasound gel
  5. Gently rock the probe from side to side in an angular fashion. Starting at the bottom, slowly work your way up.
  6. Stop when you hear the heartbeat.
  7. The noises detected by the device will be amplified and you’ll see a fetal heartrate on screen.

For more tips on how to use your BabyDoppler read:

Using a Fetal Doppler in the First Trimester

Weeks 0 to 12

Most people can’t use a fetal doppler until the end of the first trimester or the beginning of the second trimester. This is because your baby is usually too small to detect. Especially if you’re just learning how to use a fetal doppler, it may be difficult to detect a heartbeat until your baby gets bigger.

Although it’s possible to hear a heartbeat as early as 8 or 9 weeks, it’s unlikely. You’ll likely hear it for the first time around 12 weeks and beyond. Some people need to wait as long as 16 weeks and that’s completely normal.

Tips for using a fetal doppler in the first trimester:

  • Now’s a great time to purchase your BabyDoppler if you haven’t already. Also, make sure to purchase a full bottle of ultrasound gel so you can use your device throughout your pregnancy!
  • Be patient. You probably can’t hear it just yet!
  • Put the device away until the second trimester. You might choose to put your device away until the second trimester when your baby is bigger. This is a good idea if you’re obsessively checking and it’s causing stress.
  • Use this time to learn more about how to use a fetal doppler. Read our suggested guides in the section above and get prepared for your first session!

Using a Fetal Doppler in the Second Trimester

Weeks 13 to 27

Most people will be able to detect a heartbeat using a fetal doppler in the second trimester. By this time, your baby has grown large enough to detect. However, you may not be able to reliably hear your baby just yet. As your baby grows though, she should become more predictable.

Using a fetal doppler during the second trimester is a great way to connect with your baby. In these weeks, you’ll have an ultrasound and feel your first movements. Hearing a heartbeat is an additional way to bond. 

The second trimester can also be a great time to share your baby’s heartbeat with your loved ones. For example, long-distance family members feel more connected after hearing your baby. You can also use the device to introduce your child to their new sibling. Hearing a heartbeat can make the idea of having a new sibling seem more “real.”

Tips for using a fetal doppler in the second trimester:

  • Practice! When you’re using your BabyDoppler for the first time, remember to have patience when trying to find the heartbeat.
  • Educate yourself. If you haven’t already, read the suggested guides above to learn more about how to use your device. 
  • Discern the heartbeat. Learning how to discern the heartbeat is key for using a fetal doppler. When you don’t know what you’re listening for, you might mistake the sound of the placenta for your baby’s heartbeat. If you haven’t already, read our guide: Heartbeat or Another Noise? 8 Tips to Discern Fetal Doppler Noises.
  • Be aware that the baby’s position may change. Babies change positions often and some positions are harder for the fetal doppler to pick up. 
  • Know the expected heartbeat range. Although it can vary, a normal fetal heartbeat can range between 120 and 160 bpm.
  • Don’t get false reassurance. Remember that you aren’t a professional and may be using a fetal doppler wrong. For this reason, you can’t use your device to diagnose or rule out issues. If you think something is wrong or you experience a loss of pregnancy symptoms, always seek emergency medical attention.
  • Always attend appointments. Fetal dopplers are great to use in between appointments but are never a replacement for medical advice. You must still attend all of your scheduled prenatal appointments.

Also read:

Using a Fetal Doppler in the Third Trimester

Weeks 28 to 40

In the third trimester, your baby’s growing size makes her easier to detect. In the second trimester, hearing a heartbeat may have been more unpredictable. But during the third trimester, your ability to find a heartbeat may seem more reliable. 

As your baby’s movements have increased, you may feel more bonded than ever. Hearing her heartbeat can take that connection over the top. Bonding can also help your partner mentally prepare for the upcoming birth. 

By the third trimester, you’re probably used to your fetal doppler. You know that your baby can change positions, making her harder to hear sometimes. And you understand that her heartbeat will vary as she develops. You’ve mastered the basics and you’re ready to have a little more fun with your fetal doppler. Consider all the interesting and creative things you can do with your device: 

Tips for using a fetal doppler in the third trimester:

  • Get creative. If you’re a crafty person, use your fetal doppler to make a keepsake video or keepsake capsule. See the links listed above for ideas.
  • Count kicks. Remember that hearing a heartbeat shouldn’t be the only sign of health for your baby. In the third trimester, you should be counting kicks (you can use the BabyDoppler app to help with this).
  • Don’t overuse. Using your fetal doppler too much may create anxiety. If it does, use your device in between sessions and as a special bonding moment.

Don’t Have a BabyDoppler Yet?

If you don’t have a BabyDoppler yet, you’re missing out on special bonding experiences! Order your BabyDoppler today and receive everything you need to get started, including a free sample of ultrasound gel!

Hear the Sweet Sounds of Your Baby’s Heartbeat. Try the BabyDoppler Today!

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