Home Fetal Doppler How Do Doctors Use Fetal Dopplers in the Office?

How Do Doctors Use Fetal Dopplers in the Office?


Why does your doctor use a fetal doppler during prenatal appointments? And how does the device work in the office?

In this guide, we’re discussing how fetal doppler monitoring works when you go to the doctor’s office or hospital. We will also compare the differences between using a fetal doppler at home and in a medical setting.

To learn more about how doctors use fetal dopplers, keep reading.

What is Fetal Doppler Monitoring?

Fetal doppler monitoring involves detecting your baby’s heart rate.

Your doctor will use a fetal doppler during prenatal visits, usually starting in your second trimester. They may monitor your baby’s fetal heart rate as a routine check. Other times, a fetal doppler is used to monitor a higher-risk pregnancy, such as if you have preeclampsia or diabetes. If a baby isn’t developing as they should, a fetal doppler may be used more frequently.

A fetal doppler is also used during labor—sometimes continuously—to check your baby’s health.

External fetal doppler monitoring is non-invasive. Most people say the fetal doppler “test” is easy and that it’s reassuring to hear their baby’s heartbeat.

Note: Doctors can also use internal fetal monitoring, which involves placing a catheter into your vagina and an electrode on your baby’s scalp. In this post, we will be focusing on external fetal dopplers.

In Office Fetal Doppler Monitoring

If you haven’t experienced a fetal doppler in-office yet, you might be wondering what to expect.

Here’s how fetal doppler monitoring usually works:

  1. After undressing from the waist down (or wearing a hospital gown), you’ll be asked to lay on the exam table.
  2. Your doctor or healthcare provider will apply ultrasound gel on your stomach.
  3. Your doctor will move the probe across your skin until they find a heartbeat.
  4. The electronic monitor attached to the doppler will play the sound of the fetal heartbeat.
  5. A fetal doppler is also used during labor to check your baby’s health.
  6. Since your doctor will see and hear the fetal heart rate, they will be able to tell you the “results” immediately. Typically, if your baby’s heartbeat falls into a certain range (depending on how far along you far), they are considered to be developing normally. However, if your doctor detects an abnormality—like skips in the heartbeat—it might signal that something is wrong.

To learn more, read: What a Pocket Fetal Doppler CAN and CAN’T Tell You and The Truth Behind 5 Common Fetal Heart Monitor Myths

Are Office Dopplers Different from Home Dopplers?

You might be wondering if the fetal doppler your doctor uses in office is different than the one you can purchase for at-home use.

Your doctor or midwife may or may not use a fetal doppler similar to your at-home device. Although hospitals will have more advanced models, the most important factor is experience.

Using a fetal doppler at home is different than using one in a medical setting. When a doctor, midwife or nurse uses a fetal doppler, they are professionally trained. For that reason, they can confirm their results are accurate and use the device to diagnose problems.

When you use a fetal doppler at home, since you aren’t professionally trained, you can’t diagnose issues. If you want to confirm your baby’s health—or confirm a suspected problem—the only way to know for sure is to ask a healthcare provider.

While at home fetal dopplers can’t be used to diagnose problems, they have plenty of other benefits. We’ll discuss these in the next section.

Benefits of a Fetal Doppler for Home

Although home fetal dopplers can’t be used to diagnose issues like doctors can with their device, there are still many benefits.

  • Bonding. One of the most frequently reported benefits of at home fetal dopplers is their ability to create bonding moments. Hearing your baby’s heartbeat can help you feel more connected to them.
  • Family bonding. For the non-pregnant partner, it can be difficult to experience the baby before birth. Hearing the heartbeat between appointments presents an opportunity to connect with the baby. This is especially true for partners who can’t be present during prenatal appointments. Grandparents also love hearing the heartbeat.
  • Introduce sibling. You can also use the fetal doppler as a tool to introduce your child to their new sibling. Experiencing the sound of a heartbeat can make the idea of a baby growing more real and tangible.
  • Observe baby development. As you use your home fetal doppler during different phases of your baby’s development, you’ll see their heart rate change. You can also use the BabyDoppler app to record the fetal heart rate so you can look back upon your baby’s history of changes. Being able to track and observe the baby’s development makes many people more involved in their baby’s growth.
  • Record the sound. You can use the BabyDoppler app to record your baby’s heartbeat. You can use this to create a keepsake or send to a family member (great for long-distance relatives!).
  • Send a recording to your doctor. When you’re unsure if something you hear is normal, you can send the recording to your doctor or midwife and ask for advice. This is a great way to remain virtually connected between appointments.

Also read: 12 Benefits of Fetal Doppler Sonoline B

How to Use a Home Fetal Doppler

At home fetal dopplers are handheld devices that work similarly to in-office fetal dopplers. You can try to hear your baby’s heartbeat starting at 12 weeks. Keep in mind that some people need to wait a little longer until their baby is bigger—around 16 weeks.

Your BabyDoppler comes with everything you need to get started, including:

  • LCD Monitor 
  • Probe
  • Sample ultrasound gel
  • Batteries

Here’s how to hear your baby’s heartbeat:

When you first receive your BabyDoppler, you can also ask your midwife, doctor or nurse practitioner for help. You can bring your device in and ask if you’re using it correctly.

Purchasing an At Home Fetal Doppler

If you’re considering purchasing an at-home fetal doppler device, keep in mind a few factors:

  • Fake fetal dopplers. Not all devices are created equal. Some sellers, like some on Amazon, sell defective fetal dopplers for a cheap price. Once the user receives the product, they realize the device doesn’t work and they don’t receive a refund from the seller either. This is why buying from a reputable company is important.
  • Poor quality. Some companies sell home fetal dopplers that work but provide too much feedback that you can barely hear your baby’s heartbeat.
  • Quality-assurances. When you purchase an at home fetal doppler, be sure there are quality assurances. For example, BabyDoppler offers a 90-day money-back guarantee in case you don’t like your product or in the rare case that there’s a product error.

Fetal Doppler Reviews

Another factor to watch out for when purchasing an at home fetal doppler are product reviews. What do previous customers think about the product they received? 

Below are some of BabyDoppler’s recent reviews:

I was able to find the heartbeat right away and we have found it every time we have used the device. I would recommend this product to anyone wanting to hear the heartbeat at home!” – Kelsey

I am so happy with this purchase! My husband and I are very happy with this Doppler and the possibilities it gave us. Being able to hear our baby’s heart in between appt was an amazing experience. I would recommend it to all expecting parents!” – Katarzyna H.

It works great for me. Please do your research on how to use it correctly before you give up though, the heartbeat can be hard to find if you are not familiar with it!” – Jamie

It was truly magical to turn on an easily operated device, apply the gel, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat with such clarity. Hearing my child’s heartbeat at home, in their future room was truly special.” – Christoper

I’m pregnant with my first after 5 years of infertility and this has given me such peace of mind while waiting between appointments. Highly recommend it. Was able to hear baby’s heartbeat very clear in the 13th week at home.” – Stephanie

Ordering and check out was easy. Delivery was outstanding!! Ordered this for our son and his girlfriend. We will be first-time grandparents in Feb 2025. They tried it on Saturday and sent us all the heartbeat and also loved the description of size of baby and what is happening in terms of hair and eyelashes. Such a GREAT product and the amazing option of sending the heartbeat to all of us is wonderful!” – Nicole

Summary: Home vs. Doctors Fetal Dopplers

Your doctor will use a fetal doppler in office to make sure your baby is developing correctly. They may use the device more frequently if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Fetal doppler monitoring is also used during labor to check your baby’s health.

When considering the differences between the fetal dopplers used in office and those used at home, the biggest factor is experience. Your doctor, midwife or nurse is a trained professional and can therefore use the device to detect issues. Since you aren’t a trained professional, you can’t use the device to diagnose issues and anything you think you detect would need to be confirmed by a doctor. Still, at home fetal dopplers have many benefits, like facilitating bonding between baby and family.

P.S. Do You Have a Fetal Doppler Yet?

If you don’t have a fetal doppler yet, what are you waiting for!? Fetal dopplers can provide bonding experiences between baby and the entire family! Many parents say they feel closer to their baby after a session.

Connect with Baby Through Heartbeat. Get a Fetal Doppler Today!

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